While our physician editors routinely review and update course content, if you see something that doesn't seem to be correct, we want to know.
We would appreciate any feedback you have to offer. If you find suspect content or want to give feedback about information you find in any of our courses - whether it's about a reference or standard of care or even typographical errors, content-material oddities or poorly displaying items, please let us know. We'll get the information reviewed and corrected quickly if warranted.
To report suspect Q&A content, please tell us about it via our Support Form. Please choose "Content Feedback" and let us hear what you have to say. The more information you're willing to provide, the better - what course are you working in? Is there a specific question that's caught your eye - if so, please share the stem. We want to hear what you'd like to bring to our attention.
What will happen?
We will review your comments and take appropriate editorial steps immediately, as warranted by our editorial board of board-certified clinical educators.
We update our courses daily, so once we have a resolution, any corrections will appear automatically in the course.
If we have any further questions regarding your submission, we will contact you via email. Otherwise, please know your comments have been heard and any corrective actions are occurring as fast as possible.